Crème Fraiche

French for "fresh cream" is a heavy cream slightly soured with bacterial culture, but not as sour or as thick as sour cream. Its a major ingredient in many classic French recipes.

Feb 15, 2011

Combine 1 cup whipping creme with 2 tbsp buttermilk.
Let the mixture stand uncovered at room temp until thick...anywhere from 8 to 24 hours.
Stir to blend then refrigerate

Crème Anglaise

French for "English cream", is a light pouring custard used as a dessert cream or sauce in many classic French recipes.

Combine 3 egg yokes and 1/8 tsp salt in bowl.
Gradually add 1/3 cup sugar, whisking for 3 minutes.
Heat 1 cup milk until tiny bubbles appear around edges, DO NOT LET BOIL.
Remove milk from heat.
Add egg yolk mixture, stirring with whisk.
Return to heat and cook over low-med for 5 minutes, or until mixture coats
back of a spoon, stirring constantly. DO NOT LET BOIL.
Remove from heat, add 2 tsp vanilla.


  • If you take a closer look at the ingredients for the Creme Anglais, you'll notice that its essentially a base ice creme recipe, just not frozen. So for a happy short cut, simply melt some vanilla ice creme to "make" Creme Anglais.