Cacio e Pepe

Native to Rome, this is one of 3 or 4 pasta dishes that you will find in any local cafe or trattoria in the Eternal City. Cacio is "cheese" in Italian and to Italians it is used synonymously with pecorino cheese. Pepe, of course, is "pepper". This recipe only requires a few ingredients and, if done correctly, will create a wonderful, elegant yet simple dish.

Feb 22, 2019


  • 6 - 12 ounces of spaghetti (to make 2-4 servings). I like to use the thick version, sometimes called "bucatini".
  • 3 - 6 tbs unsalted butter
  • 1 - 2 tbsp good quality extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 - 2 tsp freshly ground pepper
  • 3/4 - 1 1/2 cup finely grated pecorino cheese


Bring just enough water to cover the pasta to a boil and then add the pasta. We want the water to become infused with the starch of the pasta so its not necessary to boil it in a large amount of water. Cook the pasta until it is 1 minute from being done (1 minute less then the box recipe).

While the pasta is boiling, melt the butter and olive oil in a pan over medium high heat and then add the pepper and cook, swirling pan, until fully toasted (about a minute) Turn off pan heat and leave pan on stove..

Using tongs, pull the pasta out of the starchy water and drop into the pan with the butter and pepper. Do not drain the pasta as we want it to be wet and dripping with the starchy water as it is added to the pan.

Turn pan heat back on to medium, add the cheese to the pan and stir vigorously for about a minute

At this point you may want to add a few tbsp's of the starchy water to the mixture to get the proper consistency. In other words, if the sauce appears dry, add a bit more water.

Serve from the pan immediately.



  • Freshly ground pepper is crucial. Use a pepper grinder. You can substitute the pecorino by using grated parmesan, grana padana or even machengo cheese, or a combination of any of them. But to stay authentic to the recipe, pecorino is preferred.