Potatoes au Gratin Parisienne

Got this idea from a bistro in Paris we visited in 2004. Its best described as a "very thinly sliced potato upside-down pancake".
Dec 11, 2011 - Serves 4
- 3 potatoes
- 3 TBS butter
- 1 TSP minced garlic
- 2 TBS oil
- 1/4 -1/2 cup shredded parmesan or gruyere cheese (amt depends on your taste).
- 2 TBS chopped Parsely
Preheat oven to 350 degrees
Peel the potatoes and slice VERY THIN!
NOTE: The best way to do this is with a mandolin slicer
Melt 2 TBS of the butter, add garlic and set aside.
Heat oil and remainder of the butter in a medium size non-stick, oven-safe fry pan at med-high heat.
When the oil is hot, begin to line the pan with the sliced potatoes; starting in the center and working outward in a circular pattern until you have filled the pan with one layer.
Drizzle the melted butter/garlic mixture over the top and sprinkle with the grated cheese
Place a 2nd layer of sliced potatoes over the top in the same manner described above (although its not necessary to be as consise with the individual placement since this part of the
dish ends up on the bottom and won't be seen.).
Continue to cook for another few minutes.
Using a fork, take a peek under the bottom layer and when it has begun to brown slightly, remove the pan from the burner and place into the preheated oven.
Continue cooking in oven for another 10 minutes or so, taking occasional peeks at the bottom layer to ensure it doesn't burn.
When done, remove pan from oven, place a dish inverted on top of the pan to cover and flip pan over: the potatoes will fall onto the plate "bottom-side up"(see picture above).
Sprinkle with chopped parsely and serve.
NOTE: The secret is to use very thinly sliced potaoes and to not over-cook them.
